Three Ways To Reclaim Your Health And Sanity After A Particularly Demanding Year
Some years are wonderful, and others really take it out of you. If you have had a particularly demanding year, perhaps riddled with job-related challenges and family problems, you're probably exhausted and ready for a start-over. Plus, taking the time to refresh yourself and take a breather will be good for your health and sanity, both of which are likely suffering after the year you've had. Here are three ways you can reclaim your health and sanity in the coming weeks.
Take a Private Health Retreat
It can be hard to focus on your health and wellness in a home environment that has represented stress and challenges for the past year. So, one of the best ways to reclaim your health may be to get out of town. There are plenty of private health retreats where you can spend a week or two in a nice place partaking in activities that are great for you mind and body. Some focus on yoga or meditation, others focus on clean eating, and some may even be more specialized, focusing on tennis, running, or another sport. Find a retreat, such as Eden Retreat Center, that interests you, and sign up before you second guess whether you deserve it. (You do!)
Visit a Nutritionist
Health is so heavily influenced by the things that you eat. During a stressful year, your diet is often less than ideal. Admit it -- you reached for fast foods and packaged foods way too often in the past few months! Meeting with a nutritionist can help get your eating back on track so you can enjoy better health going forward. The nutritionist will design a personal eating plan for you based on your unique needs and health challenges. This is much safer and more effective than trying to cobble together your own dietary plan from magazine articles and the like.
Take a Staycation
Maybe you don't mind the idea of being home, but you feel like everything in your life is very scattered and haphazard. In this case, the best thing to do might be to take a staycation. Spend a week or two at home just getting everything back on track. Clear your clutter, re-organize your kitchen, and so forth. A clean, organized space will make it easier to keep your head clear and relax, and the stress relief this provides you with will be good for your overall health. Don't forget to pamper yourself a little during your staycation, too. Enjoy a spa day or a manicure.