3 Supplements That Encourage Healthy Digestion
Indigestion. Cramping. Bloating. Nausea. It happens to everyone now and then. Maybe you overate, or maybe you simply ate something that didn't agree with you. Maybe you simply have a sensitive stomach. But if you frequently suffer from digestive issues, you may need something that can help support healthy digestion. There are several types of supplements on the market that can be used to help your digestive system process your food more efficiently and protect you from unwanted digestive troubles. Take a look at three effective supplements that may be right for you.
It's easy to think of ginger as just a spice that adds a nice little extra dash of flavor to your food, but the truth is that it has been used for medicinal purposes for a very long time. Ginger is thought to have anti-inflammatory and immune benefits, and it's also widely used to aid digestion. It does so by stimulating the body's production of the enzymes needed to break down food. If the food isn't broken down properly, it can't be absorbed easily, and that can lead to symptoms of indigestion, so by stimulating the correct enzymes, ginger plays an important function.
Ginger can also be used to treat nausea and motion sickness, and it's a safe, drug-free way for pregnant women to treat morning sickness. It can be taken in the form of a tea, added directly to food, or taken in a capsule form as a supplement.
Licorice has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. Licorice root contains antioxidants, B vitamins, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium, and more ingredients that give it powerful health benefits. Licorice is a natural antacid that works by lining the digestive tract with mucous that protects it from harsh stomach acids. It also fights bloating, constipation, and water retention. And, if you're already taking ginger, licorice can boost the healing effects of that as well.
Licorice root in its natural form does have one drawback – it contains glycyrrhizin, a compound that causes unwelcome side effects like muscle weakness or high blood pressure in people with certain conditions. However, you can take DGL licorice – licorice that has had the glycyrrhizin removed – in supplement form for all the health benefits of the root and none of the side effects.
Glutamine is an amino acid that works to support several systems in your body, such as the immune system and the nervous system as well as the digestive system. As a digestive aid, glutamine protects the intestinal and stomach lining. It may also help people who suffer from digestive conditions like Crohn's disease – some studies show that these patients have a glutamine deficiency.
You can get glutamine in your diet through foods like milk and cheese, cabbage and spinach, or pork and beef. However, you can also take it in supplement form. When sold in capsule form, it's usually called l-glutamine.
There's no reason that you need to suffer needlessly with digestive troubles. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist and find a supplement that will support digestion and leave you feeling comfortable after you eat.