Dietary Changes To Help With ADHD Symptoms
There is a time and a place for counseling, behavior modification and medication when it comes to treating your child’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In addition to helping kids with ADHD with recommendations from your child’s doctor and psychologist, you might also reduce the severity of symptoms by making a few dietary changes. Feed Your Child a Restricted Diet Feeding your child with ADHD a diet that includes basic foods, such as rice, meat, vegetables, fruits and water, can help ease symptoms.…
Read More »Coping With A Legally Blind Diagnosis
Losing your vision is one of the most traumatic things that can happen to you, especially if you were used to having an active and independent lifestyle before. Being declared legally blind can prevent you from doing your job. It can also prevent you from going about your normal daily routine. However, there are ways to cope. When are you considered legally blind? You are considered legally blind if your vision cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lenses to more than 20⁄200.…
Read More »4 Cosmetic Procedures That Can Change Your Smile
A beautiful smile is highly desirable, but many people are born with teeth that don’t cooperate. If you’re not happy with your smile, you don’t have to just live with it. Many dentists now offer a number of procedures that can transform your smile into something that you will be proud to show off often. If you want to change your smile, ask your dentist about the following procedures: Bonding…
Read More »Tips For Healing Quickly After ACL Surgery
Recovering quickly from an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery is crucial in order to get you back on your feet again. Also referred to as knee surgery, ACL surgery involves an orthopedic surgeon like Town Center Orthopaedic Associates reconstructing or repairing the ACL. This ligament is one of the four main ligaments on the lower part of the knee that connects the femur to the tibia and helps provide stability to the entire knee.…
Read More »Using Foam Rollers To Relieve Lower Back Pain
Foam rolling is a technique that can be used to relieve lower back pain. Foam rolling is done with a noodle-shaped foam roller. It is effective in dealing with lower back pain and is a self-myofascial technique. A self-myofascial technique is any procedure that you can do yourself that helps to soothe and relieve aches in the dense tissues that cover the muscles of the body. Healthy myofascial tissues are flexible and soft.…
Read More »Pre-Planning A Veteran's Funeral
If you or your spouse is a veteran, there are a number of death and funeral benefits available. Knowing all of your options and pre-planning the funeral may be the best way to ensure you are able to take full advantage of those benefits. Read further in order to understand what options are out there for you or your spouse: Funeral and Burial Benefits for Veterans Depending on how the veteran passed away, there are benefits available for funeral expenses and burial expenses.…
Read More »FAQs About The Use Of Rapid Prototyping In Cancer Cases
If you work in an oncology office, you may have been approached about adding rapid prototyping to the practice. If you are unsure about how this could help the physicians you work for, below are answers to basic questions about its practical use for cancer patients. Can Prototyping Be Used To Visualize A Tumor? After one of your patients has undergone CT scans, MRIs, and PET scans, the dimensions and shape of the tumor can be fed into the computer of the prototyping machine.…
Read More »Don't Let Ebola Scare You Into Your Home: 3 Tips For Staying Healthy
With all the deadly diseases going around, you may feel like staying locked in your home. You may be afraid of the Ebola virus, which has now found its way to the United States. While Ebola is a frightening disease, you don’t have to stay hidden away in your home to avoid it. The most important thing you need to know about Ebola is that it’s not an airborne virus. This means that you aren’t going to contract the disease by being in the same airspace as someone who is infected.…
Read More »4 Ways To Prevent Your Computer From Damaging Your Eyes
Computers are one of the great advances of the modern age. The advent of the computer has allowed us to communicate with people from all over the world and to share our ideas. Many of us depend on our computers to carry out our job. However, the computer can have damaging effects on your eyes, especially if you use it for long periods of time without giving your eyes a break.…
Read More »5 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are twisted, swollen, and sometimes painful veins that have become overfilled with blood. According to Women’s Health, 50 to 55 percent of women and 40 to 45 percent of men in the United States suffer from some type of vein problem. While varicose veins can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common causes include genetics, pregnancy, and lifestyle issues. While you can’t change your gene makeup, you can try the following lifestyle changes to prevent varicose veins.…
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