It All Started With An Itch: Three Common Misconceptions About Head Lice

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Head lice is the bane of every parent's existence. You can feel your scalp itch just by the mere mention of these little buggers. While head lice is a nuisance, many of the feelings associated with the outbreak comes from hysteria and myths that have been handed down over time. Before you go through an all-out panic attack because your child has brought lice home, below are a few things you need to know that will bring you some comfort.

Head Lice Doesn't Mean Your Child Is Dirty

One of the most popular myths that has circulated about head lice is that it only clings to dirty hair. This is not true. Head lice does not discriminate; they love clean hair and dirty hair. Head lice doesn't feed on hair. These bugs are looking for a warm spot to lay their eggs and blood to eat. This is why you itch when you have head lice. The bugs will irritate your scalp until you scratch. Once you start scratching, you give your scalp little lacerations that the lice will feed on.

When your child has head lice, tell them to refrain from itching. Not only will the itching give these bugs something to feast on, it will also cause your child's scalp to burn when you use shampoo to kill the lice.

Head Lice Can't Jump

It's a very common misconception that head lice are these super bugs that jump really high or fly to get into your child's hair, but it's not true. Head lice don't jump and they also don't have wings. They move by crawling really fast. Children are more likely to get head lice because they often share hats or head bands. They also tend to come in contact with each others' head while playing or hugging.

In order to help prevent head lice, talk to your child about not sharing hats or head bands while at school. Caution them against touching their friends' heads and hair.

Head Lice Does Not Carry Diseases

This misconception leads to a warranted hysteria with parents; however, it has not been shown that head lice actually carry any diseases. They can cause itching and also a rash because of their bites. In addition to that, your child can get an infection from continuously scratching their scalps to ease the itch, but there is no evidence showing that these bugs infect children with diseases.

What parent wouldn't be upset about bugs taking up residency in their child's hair? They are definitely an annoyance. You shouldn't, however, let misconceptions and myths throw you through a loop. When your child comes home with head lice, just keep these common misconceptions in mind and you will be able to handle the situation with a lot less stress. Click here for more information about lice treatment.
