Does Your Child Have A Bad Cold Or Asthma?

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If your child develops a cold that doesn't subside after a week or two, you may wonder if your child has a super bug. Your loved one may actually have asthma. Although cold symptoms can linger longer than normal in some people, most cold symptoms last about a week before they subside. However, asthma can continue to plague your loved one long after their cold symptoms fade. In addition, your child may experience symptoms that have nothing to do with the common cold. Here are things to understand about your child's symptoms and what you can do about them.

How Do You Know If Your Child Has Asthma?

If your child wheezes or whistles when they breathe, they could possibly have asthma. Although some severe colds can cause people to wheeze or whistle, the symptoms often occur alongside other intense symptoms, including fevers and chills. Asthma typically doesn't raise the body's temperature or cause chills.

Asthma develops when a person's airways narrow or constrict. As air tries to pass through the narrowed tissues, it makes a wheezing or whistling sound. Your child's wheezing or whistling may worsen without treatment. 

Your child may also sound short-winded (out of breath) when they breathe. When your child's airways constrict, air can't enter their lungs properly. Your little one will struggle to inhale the air they need. If your child's skin color changes from its natural hue to blue, bluish-gray, or gray, obtain emergency care immediately. Your child's chest may cave in or ribs show as they try to breathe. These signs can indicate respiratory distress and requires immediate medical intervention to open up the airways. 

If your child doesn't show signs of respiratory distress, it's still essential that you obtain medical care for your loved one.

How Do You Treat Your Child's Symptoms?

The first step to helping your loved one overcome their strange symptoms is to seek an asthma specialist's help. A specialist will generally check your child's blood oxygen levels to see if they're receiving enough oxygen into their lungs and body. If the levels are low, a specialist will administer medications to open up the airway passages. 

Once the airways allow oxygen to flow freely into your child's lungs, an asthma specialist will prescribe treatment. Your little one may need to use an inhaler or special breathing machine to treat or prevent their asthma symptoms. Most specialists monitor their patients' condition regularly as a precaution. 

You can also keep your child's asthma under control by removing things in your home that might trigger an attack, including excessive dust and mold. Also, monitor your child's health when they're around dogs, cats, and other pets. Some children experience problems when they inhale pet dander and other allergens. 

To learn more about your loved one's symptoms, contact an asthma specialist today.
