Suggestions For Updating The Design Of Your Pharmacy

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If you own a pharmacy that's been in the same building for decades and hasn't been updated in years, it may be time for a new design. Customers may appreciate the friendliness and feel of a local pharmacy, but they also might prefer shopping in an updated building that helps them think you're current with the latest products and services. Here are some suggestions when planning a new pharmacy design.

Improve Lighting

Making your store brighter can make a difference for your shoppers and employees. You might do this by refreshing paint with light colors and by adding more overhead lighting. Think about ways to bring in more natural lighting, too. The windows are convenient places to hang banners and advertisements, but those block natural light. By keeping windows clear, more light can stream in and uplift the appearance and feel of your store.

Increase Accessibility

If your store is small, you may have narrow aisles that make shopping difficult during busy times, especially for people in wheelchairs. Opening up the aisles by arranging them in a different way or by removing a few will make your store more comfortable and easier to shop. You may need the help of a pharmacy design planner so you can display all your merchandise in the best way so your customers have access to a wide range of products in a small space.

Consider The Location Of The Pharmacy Counter

Pharmacy counters are usually in the back of the store so customers pass by other merchandise that might catch their eye on the way to the counter. Another possible option to consider is placing the pharmacy counter to the side of the entry door so your customers see the pharmacy on one side and the retail shelves on the other when they walk in. This arrangement might free up space depending on the shape of your store.

This design also allows your pharmacy workers to personally greet customers as they enter when the workload allows. However, any move in the location of the pharmacy counter must include consideration for a drive-through window. If your pharmacy doesn't have one of these now, then installing one would be beneficial for your customers.

Planning a new design for your pharmacy requires careful thought. The plan needs to foster goodwill with your customers while enticing them to spend more money in your store. The plan must also allow your employees to work more efficiently and it should make it easy to display all your medical supplies and products. When you're thinking about updating your pharmacy with a new pharmacy design, consult with a professional designer who can help you make the right decisions for your building while staying within your budget.
