
Why Stem Cell Therapy May Be Better For You Than PRP Therapy

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Seeking pain relief for knee problems has gotten less frustrating over the years as new therapies have entered the realm of available treatments. Instead of relying on a brace, surgery, or physical therapy, there are a couple of other minimally invasive procedures that help your body heal on its own. One of these is platelet-rich plasma therapy, and the other is stem cell therapy. No longer are these stuck in a lab; they are now widespread treatment options that you can access in most cities.…

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Important Physical Therapy Information People Should Know

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Recovering from a serious injury or condition can often require individuals to utilize physical therapy. This is a type of treatment that will be able to provide individuals with a number of benefits that can assist with their long-term recovery. Yet, there are some misleading assumptions that will negatively impact a person’s ability to be prepared for these treatments. Assumption: Physical Therapy Is Only For Acute Injuries There is a belief among some individuals that physical therapy is most often needed due to sports-related or other acute injuries.…

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It Is Important To Make Sure Your Hearing Aid Is Fitted Correctly

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When you have a hard time hearing, you should go get your hearing tested. Getting your hearing tested will let you know if you are losing your hearing, how much you have lost, and in what ranges you have lost your hearing. If you have lost some hearing, then the doctor might suggest that you get hearing aids. If you are going to get hearing aids, then you are going to need to get fitted for them.…

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Six Assumptions That Patients Should Not Make About Medical Cannabis

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If your doctor or therapist has recommended medical cannabis to you, it’s important that you do your research. Some people are discouraged from experiencing the benefits of medical cannabis because they’re poorly informed and make inaccurate assumptions. The following are six assumptions that patients should not make about medical cannabis.  You’ll become addicted to cannabis if you start taking it medicinally. You shouldn’t avoid cannabis if it could be medically beneficial to you simply because you’re worried that you’ll have addiction issues.…

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Your First Dispensary Visit As A Medical Card Holder

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Getting your medical marijuana card is an exciting event! But do you know what’s even more exciting? Your first marijuana dispensary trip. Whether or not you’ve used cannabis recreationally in the past, visiting a dispensary with your medical card for the first time is an experience that should make you feel cared for and supported along your health journey. Here are some tips to ensure the visit is as productive and enjoyable as possible.…

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Three Things You Need To Know Before A Gastric Bypass

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Gastric bypass surgery is used every year to help thousands of American’s try to lose weight and keep it off for good. Considering millions of American’s are obese, it should come as no surprise the popularity of this procedure, but it is not just as simple as it may sound from the outside. There are a few conditions that have to be met before you will likely be able to go through with a gastric bypass, and it is important to know these so that you have the best chance of success in the long term.…

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Start A Circuit Training Program At A 24-Hour Gym

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Circuit training combines endurance training, resistance training, and high-intensity aerobics. This type of fitness program will improve muscular strength and growth and promote a healthy heart. A membership to a 24-hour gym will provide you with the resources necessary to meet your fitness goals. All Of The Tools You Need If you have failed to get started with a fitness program because you didn’t want to focus on one particular exercise or spend a lot of money on fitness equipment, a gym will equip you with everything you need to participate in circuit training.…

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Get A Domestic Violence Expert Witness To Examine Your Injuries And Obtain The Evidence You Need

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Were you harmed or injured in some way after an argument with someone close to you? Domestic violence can be ugly, but hopefully, you are now on the path to getting the medical help you need to recover as well as the legal help necessary to move on with your life. If the person that hurt you intends to contest your allegations, you may need to obtain evidence, including expert testimony regarding your injuries.…

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Tips For Getting Past Substance Abuse Issues

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Substance abuse is an issue that so many people struggle with each day. Studies show that 19.7 million people 12 years and up in the United States have dealt with some form of substance abuse. Whether it’s alcohol, prescription pills, or hard drugs, these substances can have deleterious effects on your mind and body and can wreck your personal and professional life. In this article, you can get to know more about how to face substance abuse issues head-on.…

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Top Things You Should Know About Microneedling

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If you have been looking into procedures so that you can improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence, you might have heard of microneedling. If so, you might be wondering what microneedling is and whether or not it will be right for you. These are some of the top things that you will probably want to know about microneedling. Microneedling Is a Cosmetic Procedure Microneedling is typically considered to be a cosmetic procedure.…

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